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General Rules and Policies


The goal of the Learning Inspired Field Experience is to create a field experience program for Inland Southern California health pathway students that is beneficial and rewarding for all participants. The following policies have been designed to explain the expectations and responsibilities of our field experience sites and field experience participants.




The cooperation of all field experience sites, including participants, is necessary to make any organization a great place for this experience. Conduct that is dishonest, unethical, illegal or unsafe will not be tolerated at the field experience site. Ground for immediate termination of field experience participants include, but are not limited to, the following:


  1. Disclosures of confidential or proprietary business information.

  2. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of computers, the Internet, or any other technology or communication equipment.

  3. Any misuse of business time, facilities, equipment or resources.

  4. Violation of any business/organization policies, including, but not limited to, insider trading, illegal and unauthorized use of copyrighted materials, discrimination and sexual harassment.

  5. Harassment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, mental or physical disability and any other classification protected by law.

  6. Misrepresentation or falsification of resumes, applications or other business records.

  7. Acts or threats of violence, or intimidation that might endanger the safety of others.

  8. Possession of firearms or weapons of any kind.

  9. Sale, possession, use or under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.

  10. Insubordination.

  11. Destruction, damage or theft of business property or the property of other business employees.

  12. Any conduct that negatively impacts the business or organization.


Safety/Emergency Information


Every field experience site has its own safety rules and procedures so be sure to ask your Field Experience Host or Coordinator about them. Information about emergency and evacuation plans is available from the field experience site. Be safety conscious at all time. In the event of a medical emergency, contact your Field Experience Coordinator or Field Experience Host in the area. The Field Experience Coordinator or Field Experience Host will take over the situation at that time. In case of emergency, field experience site employees and participants should identify exit routes in each building where they work.


General Safety Rules


  1. Be aware of all safety rules and procedures in case of an emergency.

  2. Report any unsafe conditions or injury to the supervisor immediately.

  3. If you see an accident or area in one, report it to your Field Experience Coordinator or Field Experience Host immediately.

  4. You may be responsible for damage to property that is a result of your negligence.

  5. Do not touch or tamper with equipment without the permission and supervision of your Field Experience Coordinator or Field Experience Host.


Sexual Harassment


To encourage a safe and supportive work environment, businesses, have policies on sexual harassment. It is a violation of this policy for anyone working at the field experience site, whether as an employee, a participant or a guest, to harass any other person through conduct or communications of a sexual nature. Some examples of sexual harassment include:


  1. Explicit or implicit promises of career advancement, training, awards or lower standards of performance in return for sexual favors.

  2. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats that concern one’s employment or internship status, performance appraisals, or assignments to less desirable positions or locations.

  3. Unwelcome sexual jokes, teasing, kidding, comments or other sexual behavior.

  4. Sexually suggestive or unwelcome touching or obscene gestures including patting, pinching or brushing against another’s body.

  5. Display of written or printed material of a sexually explicit or pornographic nature, such as insulting cartoons and sexually suggestive or lewd pictures or photographs.


If a participant experiences any sexual harassment, he or she should report the situation immediately to their principal, teacher and/or Field Experience Coordinator.


Professionalism and Courtesy


You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times while you are at the field experience site.

  1. Be professional and courteous at all times.

  2. Abide by the field experience site dress code.

  3. Adhere to your agree-upon schedule.

  4. If there is a change to your schedule and you will be late or cannot attend at your scheduled time, you need to contact your Field Experience Coordinator and Field Experience Site Host one (1) week in advance. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your principal or the Field Experience Coordinator.

  5. Keep your field experience areas clean.

  6. Do not remove or replace any hardware, software, equipment or materials.

  7. For participants in field experience sites that require any special security procedures and/or the use of badges, special keys, keycards, codes, cards, passes or identification follow all procedures and rules related to these items and report lost or stolen items immediately.


Computer/Email/Internet Use and Regulations


All field experience sites and their staff utilize computers and the Internet as part of their normal day. You need to read and comply with the field experience sites regulations.


  1. Know and follow all field experience sites guidelines and regulations as they pertain to computer, email and Internet use.

  2. Know who you go to for technical support.

  3. Do not download any outside information onto your computer.

  4. Do not share passwords, hostnames or usernames unless you have been asked to do so by your supervisor.

  5. Do not use the computer or the Internet for personal use.

  6. Respect copyrights.

  7. Do not copy or transmit any confidential information.

  8. Do not run programs that capture, decrypt or decode private or confidential information.

  9. Always use appropriate language and correct grammar in your e-mail communications.

  10. When using e-mail, remember that nothing is confidential; e-mail sent or received on the field experience site e-mail system is the property of the company.


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